Speaker Series

Building a Personal Brand with Prof. Renee Lamb, Assistant Professor, VCU School of Arts, Fashion Design + Merchandising
Mon, 2/3/25 from 2:30p-3:30p, CHP 1013

Counseling Considerations: Working with Folx in the LGBTQIA+ community with Ari Laoch 
Mon, 2/24/25 from 3p-3:45p, CHP 8030

Why hire people with disabilities?  Benefits of disability inclusion & Dr. Chris Reid 
Mon, 3/24/25 from 3p-3:45p, CHP 8030 or join us virtually on Zoom

Understanding Health Disparities and Health Equity: Perspective from a Social Determinants of Health and Social Justice Lens & Dr. Kelli Talley 
Mon, 4/14/25 from 3p-3:45p, CHP 8030 or join us virtually on Zoom

Rehabilitation Counseling Speaker Series Building a Personal Brand with Prof. Renee Lamb, Assistant Professor, VCU School of Arts, Fashion Design + Merchandising, Counseling Considerations: Working with Folx in the LGBTQIA+ community with Ari Laoch, Why hire people with disabilities?  Benefits of disability inclusion & Dr. Chris Reid,Understanding Health Disparities and Health Equity: Perspectiv

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